Breathing with Trees : by Annie-Rose Fiddian-Green

14 June - 14 July 2024 

Brooke-Walder is pleased to present Breathing with Trees, a solo exhibition by the British Artist Annie-Rose Fiddian-Green. In this new body of work, drawn from the landscapes of Surrey, Fiddian-Green celebrates the lifeforce of ancient trees. The drawings, ranging from 10cm to 1.7m, encompass the rhythms and flow of nature, highlighting the dynamic and spiralling root systems that expand beyond our lifespans and firmly plant themselves within our earth. Fiddian-Green’s study of drawing is highlighted within Breathing with Trees, offering within these works to take use beyond the literal representations of these trees, and into the meditative state that both nature and art serves. 


The exhibition will be open to the public Monday to Friday from 14 June to 14 July and on the weekend by appointment.